When we at Pulse Energy look at building products we really think hard about the value that our customers look for.
What is the core problem they are looking to solve for?
What is the value they get by solving a problem?
We learned that most CPOs in India want load balancing to avoid having to pay hefty penalties for exceeding the sanctioned load. They want us to load balance the transactions in such a way that it never exceeds the capacity of the station.
For CPOs in Europe, they need to submit the load profiles to utility providers as proof to get incentives in electricity pricing.
So we set out to build the basic tooling to measure load and help CPOs visualize what that looks like. Below the load graph of a 40 charger hub, this shows most of the charging happens during the night and most of it are happening via 3.3kW chargers.
Charging Hub Load Profile

While the load profile of a public charging station with 7 chargers (2 DC and rest are AC) looks completely different. The load on the station can happen at any different point in time. This is a prime location in a city with peaks of 60kW.
Public Charging Station Load Profile

What’s next?
- Starting today, all our customers by default get a new section called Energy Graph where the can observe the load against their site. This will allow you to observe the load at each station or hub you have. In the next section of this blog, I will share information about how to avoid exceeding your sanctioned load.
- If you are a CPO looking to understand your energy graph better, reach out to me at akhil@pulseenergy.io